Why Use The Breath in Meditation?
The breath is a friend of ours - its always with us. The breath is the most potent and secular form of meditation and can be used anyone...

Character Development: Compassion - The Aladdin Way
Compassion in simple words “helping those who are hurting.” Compassion usually begins with sympathy, which is seeing someone’s pain. It...

Mindfulness - The Minion Way
The minions are the most adorable characters ever. They make you laugh, cry and they are perhaps the most human-like character ever. My...

4-7-8 Breathing - A wonderful tool to alleviate anxiety and stress
One of the functions of mind-body medicine is to tap into the body’s natural relaxation response -- in order to promote slower breathing,...

10 Reasons Why Mindfulness Should Be Taught To Children
As parents and educators, our goals for our children is to provide them with problem solving, creativity and survival skills for this...

Boredom - Boring into the Moment
"The tendency in our society is when there’s dis-ease, to grab another experience in order to reduce it." - Ram Dass Yesterday, at a...

How Mindfulness Can Enhance The Creative Process
As I started mindfulness for myself and my children, one area always bothered me. What is the impact of mindfulness on the creative...

Dr. Dan Siegel: The "Yes-Brain" Parenting
In his new book, "The Yes Brain", Dr. Dan Siegel talks about finding the "yes" to creatively relate to your child thereby encouraging...

Slow Down Or You Will Crash
Tell me if any of these sounds familiar: - "I have so much to do and no time to do it!" - "I'm never going to make the deadline" - "I...

Start With A Smile
SMILE! Have you ever had the experience when you were upset or had a frown on your face about something and someone came up to you and...