Adding Mindful Moments To This Season Of Love
Valentine's Day has become a day of showing affection to others, to ones we love and the ones that matter the most to us. However in the...

Why we need to build time for Intentional Stillness in our School day?
Lets start with some self-reflection: How many of you are shuttling between multiple social media networks every single day? How many of...

Sitting Still Like A Frog
Mindfulness is the quality of attention that combines full awareness with acceptance of each moment, just as it is—is gaining broad...

10 Reasons Why Mindfulness Should Be Taught To Children
As parents and educators, our goals for our children is to provide them with problem solving, creativity and survival skills for this...

How Mindfulness Can Enhance The Creative Process
As I started mindfulness for myself and my children, one area always bothered me. What is the impact of mindfulness on the creative...

Start With A Smile
SMILE! Have you ever had the experience when you were upset or had a frown on your face about something and someone came up to you and...

Back To School!
As summer draws to an end and the fall begins to creep in, it can only mean one thing for children across the country... it's Back to...

Body Scan Meditation For Tweens
This is a body scan for children. If you’re a parent, you might choose to do this with your child, or feel free to use the audio or the...

Planning My Kid's Summer, Planning Boredom
Summer is right around the corner and information about summer camps are all abound, choking my mail as well as my e-mail, one flyer at a...

Name It To Tame It
How can you help a child who is having an emotional melt down? Learn brain-science basics and the two simple steps to calm a child who is...