Adding Mindful Moments To This Season Of Love
Valentine's Day has become a day of showing affection to others, to ones we love and the ones that matter the most to us. However in the...

Why we need to build time for Intentional Stillness in our School day?
Lets start with some self-reflection: How many of you are shuttling between multiple social media networks every single day? How many of...

The Breath And The Brain
Breathing most of the time is unconscious and automatic. Consciously regulating our breath can help manage our moods, feelings and...

10 Reasons Why Mindfulness Should Be Taught To Children
As parents and educators, our goals for our children is to provide them with problem solving, creativity and survival skills for this...

How Mindfulness Can Enhance The Creative Process
As I started mindfulness for myself and my children, one area always bothered me. What is the impact of mindfulness on the creative...

Slow Down Or You Will Crash
Tell me if any of these sounds familiar: - "I have so much to do and no time to do it!" - "I'm never going to make the deadline" - "I...

Building Emotional Awareness In Children
Daniel Goleman in his famous book "Emotional Intelligence- Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" ushered in a new era in understanding success...

The Mind Jar - How To Make One?
This article is a follow-up for the Mind-Jar/Glitter Jar Mindfulness Exercise. It tells you how to make a mind jar. “Mind in a Jar”...

The Snow Globe
The Mindfulness exercise called the Mind Jar or the Glitter Jar or the snow globe is an interesting exercise to teach mindfulness to childre