Slow Down Or You Will Crash
Tell me if any of these sounds familiar: - "I have so much to do and no time to do it!" - "I'm never going to make the deadline" - "I...

Start With A Smile
SMILE! Have you ever had the experience when you were upset or had a frown on your face about something and someone came up to you and...

Back To School!
As summer draws to an end and the fall begins to creep in, it can only mean one thing for children across the country... it's Back to...

Rainbow Meditation
Meditation has significant mental and physical health benefits for both adults and kids. Lots of schools are doing short meditations and...

Science Backed Techniques To Be In The Present
Be In Touch With Your Inner Self: The first step towards being present is to take a voyage into your inner world. Unless you go there,...

4 Simple Exercises For Everyday Mindfulness
As a parent, you want your children to be successful. But often we force our personal definition of success onto them and find vicarious...

Mindfulness: The Harry Potter Way
If your children are like mine, I bet they love Harry Potter. Most of my students even if they haven't read Harry Potter, have watched...

Body Scan Meditation For Tweens
This is a body scan for children. If you’re a parent, you might choose to do this with your child, or feel free to use the audio or the...

Your Brain And Emotions
Remember the clip from the movie "Inside Out"? What happened when the little girl was eating dinner with her parents? Does this sound...

How To Prepare Your Child For The 21st Century Robotic Environment?
What are the 21st century jobs are going to look like and what skills are needed for your children to thrive?